Building a Bridge Between Israel and The Diaspora

Bringing Judaism to Cape Town, learning with people and strengthening the communities

Strengthening the Jewish community in Cape Town through informal activities in the schools and one on one learning in the different communities.


Building a Bridge Between Israel and The Diaspora

The Yeshiva of Cape Town - and the first Torah MiTzion Kollel - is supported by the L.A. Pincus Jewish Education Fund for the Diaspora and was initiated in 1994, and continues to be directed by Rabbi Jonathan Glass.

Each year, Torah MiTzion send about 5 bachurim who assist at the United Herzlia Schools campuses, namely: Constantia Primary, Highlands Primary, Weizmann Primary, the middle school, and the high school. Each bachur is in charge of informal Jewish education and activities in his respective school.

In the afternoons, all the bachurim go to all the shuls across Cape Town where they have internal shiur. Following the shiur, the bachurim have one-on-one chavrutot with community members. The bachurim also offer learning opportunities for university students.

In the summer, the bachurim serve as madrichim in South Africa's Bnei Akiva summer camp. In 2014, Torah MiTzion organized a reunion in Israel in honour of 20 years of Yeshiva of Cape Town for former bachurim and Olim from Cape Town.

At the moment, the yeshiva doesn't have bachurim in South Africa because our bachurim are fighting in the ongoing war in Israel.

The Kollel was originally headed by Rabbi Jonathan Glass, and has since been led by seven other Roshei Kollel: Rabbi Yossi and Esther Slotnik (1997-1998), Rabbi Rafi and Sari Wolf (1998-1999), Rabbi Rafi and Avital Kadosh (1999-2001), Rabbi Ori and Tova Einhorn (2001-2004), Rabbi Nachum and Sara Romm (2004-2007), Rabbi Moshe and Moriya Ordman (2007-2010), Rabbi Eitan and Merav Ben-David (2010-2012) and thereafter Rabbi Sam Thurgood, Rabbi of Morasha Community.

Please see more information on the yeshiva at https://torahmitzion.org/


Yair Tarshansky

Yair Tarshansky

Neshamel Tick

Neshamel Tick

Yair Unger

Yair Unger


Vanessa Gawronsky

Cape Town, SA
Phone: 021 439-9867
Email: office@yeshiva.org.za